How to Safely Use a Comedone Extractor (Blackhead Removers) on Blackheads – Complete Guide

How to Safely Use a Comedone Extractor (Blackhead Removers) on Blackheads – Complete Guide

Posted on 8th Jan 2022

A blackhead extractor, also known as a surgical comedone extractor, is a useful tool for removing skin cell blockages that cause blackheads while causing no damage to the skin.

Blackhead extractor tools are inexpensive and effective at removing both blackheads and whiteheads. However, it is important to learn how to use this tool correctly, as improper use can result in skin damage and scarring.

Different Types of Blackhead Extractors

Blackhead extractors are small, easy-to-use metal tools that expel debris from open or closed comedones with gentle but firm pressure to avoid injury.

  • Lancet

A lancet extractor has one end with a very small but sharp point for gently popping the tip of a blackhead and the other end with an extractor for removing sebum and dead skin. Lancets are best for larger blackheads and whiteheads and should be used with proper caution.

  • Small loop

A smaller loop is effective on both whiteheads and blackheads, and is ideal for removing smaller whiteheads that appear to be about to pop.

  • Flat loop

A flatter and longer loop is better for removing blackheads while minimizing chances of irritation or skin damage in the surrounding area.

  • Spoon extractor

Spoon extractor is designed to push the contents of a clogged pore to the surface. it is a small spoon-shaped tool with a hole in the middle.

  • Angled loop

Best suited for larger comedone, An eye loop blackhead extractor’s “eyelet” end effectively surrounds a blackhead.

How to Safely Use a Comedone Extractor

  • Apply a warm compress (such as a damp, warm washcloth) to the affected area to soften and open up the pore.
  • Clean the skin and the comedone extractor with alcohol.
  • Select the wire loop you’d like to use. The smaller, more narrow loop is typically the better option since it doesn’t put extra pressure on the affected area.
  • Place the wire loop around the blackhead or white head. Press gently to extract the dead skin and sebum that’s clogging the pore.
  • Gently wash your face with soap and water to remove any remaining bacteria from the surface of the skin. Avoid spot treatments, which can further irritate the skin.

Blackhead extractor tools are readily available online on surgical instruments and are effective at removing both blackheads and whiteheads. However, it’s important to learn how to use this tool properly, because if used incorrectly, it can cause permanent skin damage and scarring.


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