
Adson Dressing & Tissue Forceps

  • Surgical dressing & tissue forceps, as the name implies, are used to support soft tissue by grasping or holding it to assist minimize soft tissue interference in surgeries.
  • Tissue Holding Forceps' working end blades either contain teeth or are mostly flat/plane.
  • In surgeries, tissue holding clamps are usually large and used to hold coarse tissue such as skin, muscles, and tendons, however, in dentistry, we require delicate tissue holding forceps that can handle delicate oral soft tissues.

Tissue forceps:

During surgery, tissue forceps are used to grip or move tissue. They can also be used to clean wounds of foreign matter. Tissue forceps are mainly tweezer-style and come in a variety of sizes, straight or curved, and toothed. The teeth help to maintain the tissue in place and prevent harm to the surgical site. The teeth can be 1x2 teeth, 2x3 teeth, 3x4 teeth, or any other combination.

Dressing forceps with narrow blades and blunt or notched teeth may be used in dressing wounds for handling sterile dressings, grasping sutures and removing fragments of necrosed tissue. Products on this page include cilia forceps, micro tissue forceps, utility forceps, suturing forceps, iris forceps, side grasping forceps, corneal forceps, depilatory forceps, fixation forceps, cornea-scleral forceps and more.

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